Thursday, March 31, 2011

TeAm Celebration

Kenna is a great photographer with a great amount of self expression. In her first few posts, it wasn't clear what she was focusing on, and what she wanted the viewer to see through her images. As she progressed, taking more photos and post, she got the hang of the photography life style. She always likes to try new things, and is always trying to find the best of her images. 

Iris is really good at letting her creativity lead the way in photography. her self expression shows in her images, which makes the image come out so distinguished. One of her really accomplished works was the "creating a story" piece. She did a brilliant job, on creating  several stories with toys. 

Thayer is a wonderful photographer with a lot of creativity and self expression. she does a great job at taking random images of the city and transforming them into interesting new objects. Well done Thayer!

Vlad shows a different side of the photography world. Vlad is a great editor, he can transform any simple image and can keep the viewers guessing. He is very good at taking depth images. one of his best series was his city scape. He did a great job at using his self expression skills to make his images very interesting. 

Lucas is incredible in his work, he does an amazing job, editing his pieces and brings this rural look to all of him images. One of his greatest series that Lucas did, was his OP art. He can transform any simple image, and create this whole other world, of photography. His style shows a lot of self expression which makes all of his images phenomenal.

Eric has his own creative style in editing his images.  One of is greatest pieces of his photography is his OP Art. He did an amazing job at editing in his own way that made the images come to life. 

Kendall is very precise in her images. she is great a using her imagination and knows what she wants. One of her best photography series was her Flower series. it showed a lot of depth and skill, in the different angles and sides that the photo showed. 

Deana is very creative. each image shows he own style of personality and self expression. One of best series was her portrait series of kate. she showed the essence of the model, and who the model is as her self.  Well done Deana.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Series Project Final

This is my final series project, and i thought that it would be great if i started to go back to my first idea of shadows, and i think that the rest of my images, really tied into the other images, even though i didn't focus much on the shadows. I feel confident about my final series and that i accomplished a lot!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Series Project Draft #3

This is my third draft of my project and the last time i did this i didn't focus on what i did in the first draft as much because i wanted to see if i could push my images to a different level. i thought that maybe going back to  little bit more shadows so that these new images will mach with the first ones, but with a different texture. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Series Project Draft 2

This time in my series project i changed my style in what i was doing. i decided to work with objects outside instead of inside. I looked for object and things that also had that spooky effect to it. i thought that the images i put in would show something thing more than just inside work. I edited my original images. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Series Project Draft 1

During this series project i was aiming for the spooky dark effect, that gave mystery in my images. Then i realized that there is still more to the objects that i should focus more on the shadows than just the object. I want to also instead of keeping my series project al black and white, and to maybe add some colors but not too much that it pulls away from the image. I want the new images to have this antique setting or this rusty color to the images.  I want to edit my images more with picnic. 

Series Project Sample